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Amelia Clamp is a North East based contemporary painter whose work concerns the documentation of the everyday.  Describing herself as a photojournalist through the medium of paint, Amelia uses photography to capture day-to-day moments to later translate into personal impressions. Exploring ideas of 'chronicling time', and using her practice as a method of journaling her experiences. Her recent works have been moving into figurative realism, using herself and those around her as subjects to snapshot activity and life. Amelia studied Fine Art at Leeds Art University, she now lives and works as a painter in Adelaide SA.


Amelia primarily works in oil paints and acrylics and enjoys working on surfaces such as mdf and ply wood.  â€‹



If you are interested in Amelia's work contact her via email; to find out more, or to discuss possible collaborations.





Personal Exhibitions: 

2022- Solo Show, 'Bob's your uncle, Fanny's ya aunt', Disgraceland Baker St, Middlesbrough, UK

2023- Solo Show, Dokeo, Adelaide, SA


Group Exhibitions :

2022- Physical Final Degree Show, 'First Out', Leeds Art University, UK

2021 - Digital Exhibition, 'Sensual Solitude', Leeds, UK

2021- Digital Exhibition, 1:3 WetdoveTail and Wet Productions, Middlesbrough, UK

2021- Digital Exhibition & Physical Exhibition, 'Let Us Eat Cake', Pineapple Black, UK



2021- Project with photographer, Eve Stiles, 'Bloom', Leeds, UK

2021- Promotional collaboration, GoWithYamo​


Large Commissions:

2022- 46.8" x 33.1" oil on ply wood, Slap&Pickles, London, UK

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